About Masters Rowing

About Masters Rowing

Rowing is a fantastic sport and it is great that you are interested. It helps with coordination, flexibility and overall fitness, we have outlined some of the

benefits below and we always welcome the opportunity to introduce interested people to it.

A rower may compete as a masters rower from the beginning of the year during which he or she turns 27. Masters rowers are then placed in categories A to K, 'A' being an average of 27 years or over, and 'K' being an average of 85 years or over. Dependent on the age they turn that year, the masters rower will then compete against others with the same average age in the respective category. The average and minimum age of a crew competing excludes that of the coxswain.


The aim of a masters rower can be everything from recreational rowing to competing at regattas. In Queensland, rowing regattas are held across the calendar year, featuring Sprint racing and longer Head racing. Sprint racing takes place over 1000m distance and regattas attract rowers from Brisbane, regional and interstate clubs. Master rowers can be former elite rowers or absolute beginners who only began rowing aged 27 or above.

Masters rowing also focuses on the health and fitness benefits of rowing, socializing and forming friendships.

Masters rowing age groups

The age of a rower in a masters rowing event shall be that which he/she attains during the year of the event. Masters rowing events shall be held in the following crew age categories:

  • A. Minimum age: 27 years
  • B. Average age: 36 years or more
  • C. Average age: 43 years or more
  • D. Average age: 50 years or more
  • E. Average age: 55 years or more
  • F. Average age: 60 years or more
  • G. Average age: 65 years or more
  • H. Average age: 70 years or more
  • I. Average age: 75 years or more
  • J. Average age: 80 years or more
  • K. Average age: 85 years or more

Age categories do not apply to coxswains of masters crews. Each competitor shall be responsible for theor own health and safety. Every masters rower must be in a position to prove his/her age by an official document (eg drivers licence).

Dragons is a Rowing Club for Masters

Dragons Rowing Club is a masters club with our membership age ranging from 27 to 70 plus years of age. Our club caters for recreational rowers and competitive rowers.  We compete and train for sprint and long distance regattas throughout the year.

We row most mornings from 5am.  Our training is supplemented by regular land sessions on ergos.  The amount each member participates is entirely up to them. 

Regardless of your rowing goals, we provide a coaching program for members to continually refine their rowing technique.

We offer introductory programs that provide all participants with an opportunity to experience rowing in a safe, relaxed and fun environment.

For more information about these Programs, please contact our New Member Coordinator at dragonssecretary@gmail.com.